Thursday 3 March 2011

Music Magazine Questionnaire

After producing a music magazine questionnaire, I then placed all of my research into graphs to display it clearly. This is what I found.

In the results of the first question I discovered that from a group of 15 people, only 5 actually read music magazines, leaving a total of 10 that don't, this could hinder somewhat the idea's I have for my magazine, as the answers for the other questions may not be reliable.

 In the second graph "How often do you read music magazines?", there was a mixture of answers given. The majority of the answers given went either to "Daily" or "Never", which meant that there is a variety of people that don't read magazines.

In the answers given in the third graph "What is your favourite music genre", I discovered that the most popular genre was pop, this gave me an idea of what genre my magazine would follow, as if pop is most popular around my target audience, then it would only make sense to produce such a magazine.

In the fourth graph it displays the results of "Why do you read music magazines", the results that were gathered consisted of "Interest" or "Entertainment". These particular answers have given me ideas for my magazine, when discussing colour schemes and fonts. By having brighter more attractive colours to add to the entertainment value.

On graph number five "What would you like to see on the cover of a music magazine", the evidence gathered has led me to believe that most people would want either a solo-artist or a band on the front cover, judging by the results the best option would be to place an image of a solo artist on the cover as the target audience find it more appealing.

In graph number six "Where should the mast heading be placed" the majority of answers given by the target audience were generally directed at the top left of the page, which is where the stereotypical mast heading would also be located. This is most likely where I would also place my mast head, although I may conform to the stereotypes and make mine more original.

1 comment:

  1. Owen - you're making progress, but you are behind. So far you have only touched on some aspects of the Research and Planning section, which is given a mark out of 20 (you're currently about 10). This should cover:
    -research into similar products and a potential target audience.
    -organisation of actors,
    -work on shotlists, layouts, drafting
    -level of care in presentation
    -time management
    You've only covered the first bullet point... And you should have started your production (given a mark out of 60...). You need to work independently to get caught up!
