Monday 14 February 2011

Music Magazine Double Page Spread Examples

This is an example of a music magazine double page spread, you can see clearly that the text is separated to either side and does not run down the middle, this is done as if the text was crossing over the page it would not be clear and easy to read. The colour scheme for both the title and the costumes worn match and provide an attractive and appealing colour scheme. The text on this page is written in a serif font. The main image on this page is that of the popular band Black Eyed Peas, all wearing quite unconventional clothing compared to what they normally wear whilst performing, this show them as being normal and they differ to there stage persona. The front man of the band ( is the only band member that is in focus this gives the reader the idea that he is the most interesting and important. The colour scheme itself is nothing special, rather dull and boring colours are used, yet they do stand out as they are contrast to the back round and the text. On the right hand side there is a section of the text that has been highlighted, this has been done as it displays a more important and interesting piece of writing.

A you can clearly see the main colouring on this double page spread seems to be that of blue, black and white. These colours are extremely eye catching and draw the readers attention significantly. Looking closely at the text I can see that it is written in a mixture of both serif and sans-serif fonts. The text colour scheme generally follows the black and white simple colouring effect, with contrasting background this gives the words clarity on the page. The page itself has a rather informal tone, as the text is irregularly scattered around the page with some of the text being tilted or canted to one side. The image on the left hand side also aides the informal tone as the image displays a band in quite a laid back pose. Most of the text is written on the left hand side and the main image is located on the left hand side this is to provide information about the band on the right and displays a iconic image of them on the left.

Although I don't actually know who this band is a believe them to be quite dark due to their clothing and the setting of the main image, looking closer at the band members in this picture the faces of the individuals seems sad and glum. The main colour scheme on this page is that of black and white, two very contrasting colours which makes the text itself stand out more prominently. The text itself is written in both serif and sans serif fonts which work well together, this page is not at all flamboyant yet the colours and the fonts work well together to make the page all the more suitable to its target audience.

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