Friday 4 February 2011

Music magazine contents examples

On this particular magazine contents page there is a mixture of both sans-serif and serif fonts which gives the magazine a formal yet informal context, we know this as it is a music magazine. There is a variety of colours, reds, blue, whites and blacks, all give the page a bright and attractive appearance. There are two images of people who could have been interviewed by the magazine or a story or article has been written about them. The larger image fills up most of the right side of the page which gives the idea that this could be the main subject or story in the magazine, it is a picture of a band which could mean they are rather famous or have recently shot to fame. The actual title of the magazine is just one letter (Q), and has been used as a symbol across the page or as a sub-title, for example, the Q review. As with most contents pages the information or story listings are written down one side of the page, on this particular magazine it is written down the left hand side. As most of this page has a sans-serif font, we can see clearly when serif fonts have been used, on the left hand side with the heading OASIS SPECIAL!, this stands out as it is larger than most of the other listings, a different colour and is written in serif font.

We see in this picture that the main colouring is predominantly a bold pink and there is also a mixture of serif and sans-serif fonts. Although this page seems rather crowded the contrasting backgrounds make the text stand out and its very clear to read. The fonts that have been used are rather flamboyant and give the impression that this magazine is informal and quite fun. The topics and stories have been clearly listed down the middle of the page with the first and main story being above them in a larger bolder font, there is a star shape surrounding the number one one the first story this basically makes sure that the most important story stands out more than the others, as the main story is no doubt a currently popular and successful band or solo artist. There is a large advert at the foot of the page on the right hand side, it is music related as it is advertising a voucher which entitles the recipiant to have a £2 discount on entry to a place where live music is being played.

1 comment:

  1. Analysis is of a good standard; please add another two and then move on to double page spreads.
