Thursday 27 January 2011

School magazine contents

This is an example of a magazine contents page. The numbers are clearly displayed on the left hand side of the page and the story is just to the right of the numbers. There is a heading at the top of the page which is likely to be the title of the complete magazine, it is very bold and it is the first thing to catch the eye on this particular page. There is a large picture of a woman who is dressed quite formally, this gives the idea that thismagazine is more sophisticated. This contents page has a simple colour scheme that works well and isn't contrasting.

This particular contents page has a more elaborate colouring, however is is still very effective. Again with this contents page the magazine title is displayed at the top of the page, yet isn't the more clear, as it is similar to the font size, shape and colour of the text below. The page numbers are listed down the left hand side of this page with the stories again to the right of them. Judging by the colouring of this page I would generally believe it to be directed at a younger audience.

This contents page is different to the ones above in many ways. Looking at this page you can tell that it is specific to a cookery magazine, we know this as there is a large image of a chocolate flavoured dessert clearly displayed in the centre. The listing of the numbers and the stories are also altered on the page as they are located at the bottom, however they are well organised and in rows, this gives it a rather proffessional appearance. the colouring of this contents page is interesting to say the least, there is no particular colour scheme and there is a mix of various colours, this does not however make the page look scattered and poorly produced.

1 comment:

  1. Owen - your blog is looking very good! Please make sure that you get your mock contents page up asap.
