Thursday 27 January 2011

School magazine contents

This is an example of a magazine contents page. The numbers are clearly displayed on the left hand side of the page and the story is just to the right of the numbers. There is a heading at the top of the page which is likely to be the title of the complete magazine, it is very bold and it is the first thing to catch the eye on this particular page. There is a large picture of a woman who is dressed quite formally, this gives the idea that thismagazine is more sophisticated. This contents page has a simple colour scheme that works well and isn't contrasting.

This particular contents page has a more elaborate colouring, however is is still very effective. Again with this contents page the magazine title is displayed at the top of the page, yet isn't the more clear, as it is similar to the font size, shape and colour of the text below. The page numbers are listed down the left hand side of this page with the stories again to the right of them. Judging by the colouring of this page I would generally believe it to be directed at a younger audience.

This contents page is different to the ones above in many ways. Looking at this page you can tell that it is specific to a cookery magazine, we know this as there is a large image of a chocolate flavoured dessert clearly displayed in the centre. The listing of the numbers and the stories are also altered on the page as they are located at the bottom, however they are well organised and in rows, this gives it a rather proffessional appearance. the colouring of this contents page is interesting to say the least, there is no particular colour scheme and there is a mix of various colours, this does not however make the page look scattered and poorly produced.

Wednesday 26 January 2011

These are examples and ideas I have produced in order to help me in designing my front cover. I have produced four draft ideas for my front cover which are all relevant to the topic. I have also produced a list of examples for titles and cover lines. I have designed covers which fit the topic of a school magazine and all have pictures which are located in a school environment.

This is the final design of my school magazine front cover. I have chosen to use a red and yellow colour scheme as it is bright and attractive. With a selection of cover lines and a bold mast heading at the top establishes the seperate sections of the page.
This is a basic layout of my school magazine contents page. I haven't included any actual images or headings just the colour scheme (which is the same as the cover).

Friday 21 January 2011

This is the picture I will be editing for my front cover. As it is a school maagzine I have taken the picture in a school working environment.

This is a picture I took of my friend Chris Rowland, as you can see he is having great fun working on his Harry Potter case study. By cutting out the backround the main image just shows Chris giving a thumbs up, this shows Chris is the focus of attention.

Monday 17 January 2011

This is an example of a fairly basic school magazine and has a simple yet effective display. it shows a large picture of two students and mast heading. the colours work well together and the cover is not to crowded with too many cover lines or sell lines. The front cover does not display a barcode, this could suggest that this is a free magazine. The picture that is used shows two people that seem to be enjoying themselves this gives the audience the effect of being intrigued and interested to see why they are so happy.

On this front cover the backround picture used gives the magazine a calming and warming effect. This seems to me as a rather formal judging by the simple and bold text. I believe this magazine is aimed at those who are possibly academic, hard working and aspiring individuals. The mast heading is clearly displayed at the top of the page and the cover lines are set out below it. This magazine looks very proffessional and seems to of been well produced. The colour scheme used is not at all contrasting and is very simple, also it works well with the backround image.

As we can see from this paricular front cover it is very simple yet effective. I have noticed that the colours of the cover lines are similar to that of the main picture on this page, this gives it an appealling appearance. All of the text on this cover is written in a sans-serif font which gives the impression of an informal context, the text is bold and the contrasting colour work well to grap the readers attention. The picture on the cover shows a student at work, this indicates that this magazine is most definatly direct in the area of education. The mast heading is located at the top of the page as with many other magazines and is written in the boldest text on the page. The cover lines on this page are written in contrasting colours to that of the mast heading, the colour pink has been used to contrast to the blue used in the title.

Preliminary Task

My preliminary task was to design the front cover of a college/school magazine. I have gathered research from various sources, such as previous magazine covers and magazines specific to schools and colleges. This research has given me inspiration and ideas for the design my front cover, which I will produce on microsoft publisher.