Friday 15 April 2011


In my evaluation these questions will be answered in great detail
  •   In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?
·         How does your media product represent particular social groups?

·         What kind of media institution might distribute your media product and why?

·         Who would be the audience for your media product?

·         How did you attract/address your audience?

·         What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?

·         Looking back at your preliminary task, what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to the full product?

In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?

Front Cover: When designing my music magazine front cover, I researched various example of real life, music magazines to ensure that my final design looked professional and realistic. The music magazines I researched were from various genres which gave me a greater range of ideas when designing my cover. Genre's I researched included Pop, R&B, Rock and Indie. During my research I picked up on various features that were present in numerous magazine covers, such as the colour schemes used, they tended to be contrasting backgrounds and text, they were used to make the images and the text stand out to attract the readers attention. I took this into consideration when designing my front cover as the majoirty of fonts and colours I have used are extremely contrasting and do grab the readers attention. The font colourings tend to vary on the page, however the colours work well together a match to make the page attractive to the target audience. The colour of the mast heading tends to differ from the colour of the mast heading, this is doen so that the cover lines stand out and are not over shadowed by the mast heading. 

I also looked at the sizing and the location in which I would place my coverlines, mast heading and image(s) on the front cover. From the research I gathered front covers tend to use a solo large image, which has been taken mostly in either a long shot, mid shot or a close up image, they also tend to fill up the majority of space on the page, usually depicting an artist or band. These images are all relevant to the genre of magazine they are on, for example, Biffy Clyro on the cover of Q magazine. The Mast headings are usually located at the top of the page and are in the largest font. When designing my front cover I used these examples and made sure that the mast heading was the most noticable text on the page, with the cover lines spread evenly in the spare space in a less bold and smaller font so is not to draw attention away from the mast heading.

Contents Page: For my research into music magazine contents pages, I found that the majority of the pages share the same colour scheme as the front cover, also sharing similar fonts and images. My focus was to gather numerous example of music magazine contents pages in order to give me a greater understanding into what should be included in my designs. Most of the examples I gathered contained different examples of layout and colour schemes, most of which had a layout which was in a list format, this is so the reader can have a clear insight into what is inside the magazine. My main focus was mainly on the visual aspects of the contents pages (format/colours etc). For example, many contents pages used different fonts or font sizes to establish which is the most important part of the page, whilst also ensuring that some attention is directed at the smaller fonts, with more flamboyant colours. In my research I found that contents pages generally included images related to the main image on the front cover, which will undoubtabley be the main story/article within the magazine. With a smaller focus on the actual written text, the general method was to display the article/story information in the way on of an elliptical construction, which means a small amount of information is given, yet not enough to reveal all, which in turn means the reader will be intrigued to read more on that particular page.

When designing the layout of my music magazine contents I decided also to put it in a list format so that the reader is not confused and finds it simple to read, with the addition of contrasting background the text stands out and attention is drawn. I decided to use various colours for the background (red, white and black) so that the variety of colours will appeal to the reader and therefore make sure that all of the text stands out equally. I went for a somewhat unconventional path when designing the contents of my magazine, as the images I have used are rather silly, I have done this as my main target audience will be that of a younger age, ranging around 12-15. Also the images I have taken and designed are all relevant to the topic/genre.

Double page spread:
After the analysis of the front covers and contents pages I then went on to analyse a selection of double-page spreads in order to make it appeal to my target audience (12-15) and make it as successful professional as my other magazine pages. I gathered a great range of double-page spread examples and utilised them when designing my own double-page spread. 

 I began by creating the article layout, I decided to take quite a stereotypical format as many of the examples I gathered have extremely similar layouts. The layout spreading across the two pages, half on the right and half on the left. I made my main image take up a significant amount of the right hand page. The image I used is blacked out and is rather vague, this adds suspense and intrigue into my story, meaning the reader will go away wanting to find out more about the artists. In my article, I created a fun and playful tone. I chose to set my double page spread article in a question and answer format, this is because many of the articles seen in music magazines use such a method. It also gives the reader a more in depth look into the artists lives. Although with conventional magazine double page spread the colour scheme seems to alter in some ways so that the scheme isnt reoccurring and become tedius to the reader, I chose to use the same colour scheme as in both my cover and contents, in my double page spread. I decided to do this as the clour is bright and catchy, which is more likely to encourage the audience to read more, than if dark, dull colours are used. The mast heading and sub-heading I have used are both written in a font that differs from thr article (mast heading and sub-heading are larger), I have done this so that the first thing that attracts the reader is the headings.

How does your media product represent particular social groups? When creating my magazine pages I designed it around a particular target audience, that being the younger generation, mainly young teenagers ranging from 12-15, mostly directed at a male audience. During my production I ensured that i focus my attention on target audience, looking back at my music magazine I believe I have succeeded in making it appeal to the original target audience. During the analysis of my magazine examples, I believe that may focus was a male social group. I also believe that I represented gender well, although i was not displayed that clearly, the bands and artists I chose to include in my magazine were all male and would appeal more to males who are looking for a role moedl (so to speak). As well as my double page spread which was written about two male artists. I Other than that, I dont think I have represented any other social groups in my magazine pages, however I believe that I have somewhat discarded a female social group. In my double page spread article I decided to ask rather informal and playful questions mixed with a few serious ones, to ensure that enough information is gathered, but also to make sure that there is an informal register. The questions that were asked were not specific to a particular social group and in my opinion I believe they are neutral.

How did you attract/address your audience?
Before creation of my magazine pages I decided on a certain target audience whichI kept in mind throughtout and ensured that all aspects of my magazine followed the target audience. I decided to target my magazine at young teenagers ranging from 12-15 mainly a male audience. I believed I would have basic ease for me to design a music magazine my target audience because I have a rather young mind-set and can relate to younger people due to my immaturity. To make my magazine attract  my target audience I used a variety of media techniques. For  my front cover I utilised a range of cover lines that could appeal to my target audience such as including band and artists names such as 'Bloc Party' and 'Artctic Monkeys'. The cover lines I used were relevant to my target audience 'Countown, top tracks of 2011'. I used these cover lines in hope that my audience would catch a glimpsy and be intrigued to write more. On the contents page I used features that would appeal to my target audience such as elaborate fonts and bright colours (as youngsters are attracted to brightly coloured things). In my double-page spread, I used a stereotypical layout as well a single blacked out image on the right hand page, establishes a brief overview of the artists. The simple layout makes it easy for the reader to read as they will remember the layout and know where to begin on the page. Although I think my magazine pages do appeal to my target audience, I believe that there still could be a wider range of target audience for people who enjoy the bands and artists that are included.I think my overall finished appearence definatley appeals to my audience due to the bold colour scheme (reds/blacks/whites) however the problem lies that it may not attract a female audience. In the design front cover I selected a colours which have generally been used in a variety of magazines, however although some find it to be professional I still believe that my work lacks that professional edge.

What kind of media institution might distribute your media product and why?
As music magazines are generally distributed by a large variety of media institutions, some of them tend to focus on specific genres . After the analysis of my finished magazine pages and also looking at the genre of my magazine, the decision was dificult to chose the media institute I believe that would be best suited to my magazine, I decided on a media institute that I thought was successful in the distribution of magazines following a similar genre and target audience to my magazine. The media institute I chose was Bauer Media, as they are responsible for the distribution of popular teen magazine 'Smash Hits', as this follows a similar genre to mine.

Who would be the audience for your media product?
What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?
I have learnt a great deal about the technologies involved in constructing all aspects of my music magazine. Mainly that it is no easy task trying to create a successful music magazine.
Editing: I have learned a variety of skills concerning the editing of images and construction of my cover, contents and double page spread. I managed to use the program with fair ease as it was easy to find everything that I needed, I believe most people would not have too much trouble using it. I learnt how to remove the background from my images using the rubber to remove any unwanted imagery.
Camera: I found it fairly simple to use the camera equipment that was supplied (even though im useless with mos forms of technology), I learned how to move the image files from the camera, and place them on to my computer, with relative ease (although I had a problem getting the memeory card out the camera!).
Computer: I found it fairly simple to use all of the programmes on the computer as I have used computers for many years now and am reasonably compitent when it comes to using various programmes on the computer.

Looking back at your preliminary task, what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to the full product?
From the preliminary task I researched school front covers and analysed them before creating my school magazine cover and contents. From this learned how to research front covers and contents pages, and list a range of their features. 
In the preliminary task, the pages I created were simple designs and didnt look at all professional due to the early stages in my design work, i was able to design a far superior music magazine cover, contents and double page spread. Therefore my skills enhanced during the production of my cover,contents page and double page spread to ensure their professionalism.